Monday, June 14, 2010

Supporters of the fleet Freedom

The Palestinian Return Centre - United Kingdom
Of the Secretariat of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe - Austria
Majlisi coordination in support of Palestine - Austria
Foundation of the Palestinian right - Ireland
Justice for Palestine - Scotland
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Rights for all - Switzerland
Palestinian Society - Denmark
Palestinian Women's Forum - Denmark
Charity Commission to advocate for Palestine - France
The Palestinian community - Norway
Association of Palestinian culture - Poland
Union social and cultural organizations - Russia
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Palestinian Forum French - France
Palestinian Coalition - Netherlands
Support the establishment of Palestine - Netherlands
Palestinian assembly in Berlin - Germany
The Palestinian Federation of Germany
Of the Union of the Palestinian right of return - Germany
The Palestinian community in Germany
Association of Palestinian culture - Poland
Union social and cultural organizations - Russia
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Palestinian Forum French - France
Community of the Palestinian - Netherlands
Support the establishment of Palestine - Netherlands
Palestinian assembly in Berlin - Germany
The Palestinian Federation of Germany
Union of Palestinian right of return - Germany
The Palestinian community in Germany
Arab Forum - Germany
Palestinian Center for Justice - Sweden
Assembly of the Palestinian people - Sweden
International Solidarity Movement of Palestine - Sweden
Islamic Council - Denmark
Mljmaip charity to advocate for the Palestinian people - Italy
Association for the Support Strip in Milan - Italy
The charity to help Palestine Spanish - Spain
Palestinian Friendship Association, Greek - Greece
Palestinian Forum - United Kingdom 


تلميذة القسام said...

The names of the centers

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