Sunday, June 13, 2010

And freedom of the red door ... In each hand covered with rings

◈ between the dark of night dark 
And waves of grief and burning spectra 
Massabiham people have sailed with them; 
It is not like any lights 
They do not block the dark laceration only 
It penetrates every dark hearts 
And light up the road to freedom, to walk when all of us .. 
Exhibits to which each of the pulse in his heart, dignity 
Both are freedom in his veins the blood stream! 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ reef stretched blood vigorously to break the siege 
Qatar on the country of the Muslims, Aziz, 
Carried their lives in their hands .. And drove off with hope! 

Leaving behind all far and near, mother and father and child .. and a friend 
The work is ongoing and because they believed that Muslims [Kaljsd if one 
He complained to a member to falter, the other body to ensure and fever] 

Risked their lives every precious, and because they believed that freedom 
Safety was the legal right to cyan, and modes. 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ that secured the right flower to embrace the sun 
It is the right bird to fly high in the space of freedom 
Dew the right to sleep on the leaves .. 

What was reaction of the so-called Zionists on their faith 
However, these beliefs are: terrorism! 
And deserved the death .. 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ and after what happened, 
We sat silently waiting for feedback .. 
And they were honorable replies like its predecessor, 
International silence shameful 
And denounce and condemn and condemn the Arab disgusting! 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ fleet Freedom Red 
Those who sacrificed their lives to do something, and let the impact and the champion of God. 
It was our duty to stand with them to the letter and have the word .. 

Therefore, our construction of this campaign, 

And the following themes: 

There is nothing new, only condemn 
Freedom red "Marmara" 

TURKY .. Lead our ship 

Poem:: Champions of the fleet, Liberty 

Members of the fleet Besmela Freedom 


تلميذة القسام said...

Very good poem

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palestine in my heart