Monday, June 14, 2010

Fleet of freedom

In the name of God the Merciful

Fleet liberty; is a group of six vessels, comprising three ships of Turkey, and two ships from Britain, in addition to ship common to all of Greece, Ireland, Algeria, Kuwait, carrying relief supplies and humanitarian aid, in addition to about 750 rights activist and political, includingjournalists representing international media. The convoy was equipped by the conduct of associations and individuals opposed to the Israeli siege imposed on Gaza Strip since 2007, and sympathetic with his people.
Launched a fleet of ships from ports to various countries in southern Europe and Turkey, the point concur off the city of Limassol in the south of Cyprus, before heading to the sector directly. Fleet launched into the Gaza Strip in May 29, 2010, loaded with ten thousands of tons of equipment and assistance, and hundreds of activists seeking to break the siege, which had reached the third year in a row.

Vessels involved
Participated in a convoy of eight ships a fleet of more than freedom from Middle Eastern and Arab and European countries, but the ships of the fleet had broken down for technical reasons, and went to break the siege of six ships only; This is a group of vessels involved:

Mafi Marmara
Hellenjr 1
Hellenjr 2
Eleftheri Mesogios
Devin Wi
Rachel Corrie

The most prominent figures involved

Dignitaries, many in a convoy to break the blockade from 50 different countries, and it was the most prominent participants in which members of the European Parliament, German, Italian, Irish, and other members of parliament, Turkish, Algerian, Kuwaiti, Egyptian and Jordanian, as well as Arab members of the Knesset, in addition to more than 750 personally active in the jurist area includes a number of media, and this is the largest international coalition formed against the blockade imposed on Gaza, and is also one of the campaign seeks to break; [1] [7] This is a group of prominent personalities to participate in the convoy:

Raed Salah - head of the Islamic movement in the Palestinian territories.
Nader El Sakka - Member of the Palestinian community in Germany.
Haneen Zoubi - deputy in the Israeli Knesset.
Hilarion Capucci - Archbishop Emeritus of Caesarea to the Melkite Church.
Abbas Nasser - Al-Jazeera correspondent in Lebanon.
Jamal Porter - Al Jazeera English TV in Qatar.
Waleed al - Member of the Kuwaiti National Assembly.
Sinan Albayrak (tr) - the representative of Turkey.
Talat Hussain (en) - Pakistani journalist, is executive director of Aaj TV of Pakistan.
Reza Agha - news correspondent, continued to channel Aaj Pakistan.
Abbas, who - a journalist and correspondent of the newspaper Gulf Daily News (en) in Dubai.
Hassan Abdul-Ghani (en) - Scottish news, and maker of documentary films.
Teresa McDermott - Scottish activist, was jailed 4 days in Ramle prison for trying to provide aid to Gaza in 2009.
Mairead Corrigan - a peaceful campaigner from Northern Ireland, and holds a Nobel Prize for peace.
Onges Snodaih (en) - a member of the Irish Parliament (en).
Ira Lee (en) - Brazilian director.
Annette Groth (de) - a member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on the Left Party.
Inge Hogar (de) - a member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on the Left Party.
Norman Paech (de) - former member of the German Parliament (Bundestag) on the Left Party.
Joe Meadors - one of the survivors of the incident, the USS Liberty (en).
Henning Mancil (en) - author of suede.
Dror Feiler (en) - Israeli artist Sweden.
Mohamed Kaplan (en) - a member of the Swedish Parliament (en).
Matthias Jardel (en) - dated Sweden.
Paul Mkjiav - a journalist and correspondent for the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper (en).

Kuwaiti delegation in the fleet of freedom

In the name of God the Merciful

1 - MP Waleed al
2 - Osama Al-Kandari
3 - Walid Al-Awadi
4 - Abdul Rahman Al-Kharraz
5 - Abdul Rahman Al-Failakawi
6 - Salah MAHINI
7 - Abdullah Ibrahim
8 - Ahmed and Mary Lukman
9 - Najwa age
10 - Mona Cstr in the press agency KUNA
11 - Mubarak Al-Mutawa
12 - Come Shatti
13 - Sandys, Wail al-Gadir
14 - Salah Jarallah
15 - Sinan al-Ahmad

Participants Jordanian in fleet of freedom

In the name of God the Merciful 

The names of 24 participants Jordanian fleet convoy of freedom: 

Lawyer Fathi Hussein Abdel Nabi Abu Nassar 

M. Wael Akram Asaad Saka 
A. Salim Yusuf Mohamed peasant 

M. Kifah Ismail Hussein Amayreh 

M. Bachir Saad Eddin Abdel Salam Lzimaili 

M. Badi Mohamed Eid Alrvayap 

D. Talal Ismail Mohamed Po 

Lawyer Abdul Hakim Mohammed Hassan Djaabo 
M. G. Mahmoud Ziad Mahmoud Abu Trophy 

D. Ahmed Salama Salem Al-Tarawneh 

M. Hassan Ahmed Salman Abu Hamra 

A. Anas Munir Fakhri Nirok 

A. Riad Abdel Rahim Jaber Bustnge 

Nashwan Ali Haj Ismail 

A. Nashwan Ali Mustafa Ismail 

M. Khaleel Mohammed Salam ابوشقرة 

Press Khader Ahmed Ismail elders 

Director Dean "Mohamed Gamal El Din," Sadeq Abdel-Hafiz 

A. Alaa Abdel-Gawad, Omar Burgan 

A. Mohammad Nayef Abdul Rasul anthems 

M. Awni Bayer Holiday Suleiman 

Press "Habib Rahman," Abu Saud Salim Mahfouz 

A. Faraj Mohammed al-Afghani 

A. Shehadeh Zakaria Nofal Nofal 

Entered the Islamic religion

In the name of God the Merciful

Advertise activist Petr Vinnr Islam the day before yesterday over a ship that brought the Blue Marmara from the port of Antalya, the Turkish part of a convoy bound for freedom to the Gaza Strip. Iblv said Peter, 63 years, they have friends of many Muslims in England, and that sometimes go with them to the mosques, and came when he visited Istanbul Sultan Ahmet Mosque. And said to himself: "I do not need to become a Muslim, and enter the religion of Islam." 

Supporters of the fleet Freedom

The Palestinian Return Centre - United Kingdom
Of the Secretariat of the Conference of Palestinians in Europe - Austria
Majlisi coordination in support of Palestine - Austria
Foundation of the Palestinian right - Ireland
Justice for Palestine - Scotland
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Rights for all - Switzerland
Palestinian Society - Denmark
Palestinian Women's Forum - Denmark
Charity Commission to advocate for Palestine - France
The Palestinian community - Norway
Association of Palestinian culture - Poland
Union social and cultural organizations - Russia
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Palestinian Forum French - France
Palestinian Coalition - Netherlands
Support the establishment of Palestine - Netherlands
Palestinian assembly in Berlin - Germany
The Palestinian Federation of Germany
Of the Union of the Palestinian right of return - Germany
The Palestinian community in Germany
Association of Palestinian culture - Poland
Union social and cultural organizations - Russia
Forum of Palestinian rights and solidarity - the Netherlands
Palestinian Forum French - France
Community of the Palestinian - Netherlands
Support the establishment of Palestine - Netherlands
Palestinian assembly in Berlin - Germany
The Palestinian Federation of Germany
Union of Palestinian right of return - Germany
The Palestinian community in Germany
Arab Forum - Germany
Palestinian Center for Justice - Sweden
Assembly of the Palestinian people - Sweden
International Solidarity Movement of Palestine - Sweden
Islamic Council - Denmark
Mljmaip charity to advocate for the Palestinian people - Italy
Association for the Support Strip in Milan - Italy
The charity to help Palestine Spanish - Spain
Palestinian Friendship Association, Greek - Greece
Palestinian Forum - United Kingdom 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Erdogan's speech for a fleet of freedom

Highlights of the speech, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his party's deputies in Parliament: «We have had two Damien in the darkest hours of Monday night. One was an act of terrorism on a naval base in southern Turkey, while the second attack before dawn in the Mediterranean, and led to one of the heaviest blows to the conscience of humanity. I have objected to aid ships by force and violence, and prevented ships carrying mercy and emotions to reach their destination, the Israeli armed forces and attacked the fleet of less than 600 people from 32 countries and humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, the killing of innocent people. We condemn in the strongest terms the inhuman attack on ships carrying civilians, including women and children, and officials from various religious beliefs. This bloody massacre carried out by Israel on ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, deserves all kinds of convictions, this is an attack on international law and human consciousness and world peace. Ships declared its cargo and its intentions for the whole world before starting to Gaza, and was carrying 60 journalists from Turkey and other countries to bear witness to this campaign, it is clear that the attack on 600 people and 6 ships carrying aid to the impoverished Palestinian people, is an attack on the basic philosophy of the United Nations. Turkey's use of all means of international law and diplomacy, and will continue to do so in the coming days, so we have pulled our ambassador in Tel Aviv and we canceled the 3 joint military exercises with Israel, as well as the direction and Foreign Minister Ahmed Davutoglu to New York and the Security Council called an emergency meeting, and the result was the adoption of a statement condemning the Israel and calls for the release directly from the civilians and injured passengers, was canceled games between the teams football Turkish and Israeli Council will meet NATO and the Organization of Islamic Conference will be held on Monday. We have rejected Israel's offer to send the injured passengers, because we have enough power to restore our wounded, and left two military ambulances to bring patients, as well as civilian aircraft is coming under the Ministry of Health to get there. Israel must recognize the seriousness of their behavior, and to rectify its mistake, and must not refrain from international cooperation, and the termination of the inhuman blockade of Gaza immediately. Urge the international community to begin an immediate investigation into the attack, instead of waiting for government action were not ashamed of their crimes. Turkey is not a modern state, we do not advise anyone to test the patience of Turkey, no one should Esthtr Turkey, just as the value of friendship, the strongest hostility. The loss of friendship Turkey itself, is a high price paid by Israel. Will not remain our relationship with Israel as it was never because a massacre was a turning point in these relations, as well as it is no longer an option for closing our eyes to the injustices committed by Israel, and it certainly paid the price. I repeat, it certainly paid the price. This attack, rude and irresponsible, is state terrorism, and black point in the history of humanity. Also said that an armed attack on aid ship and killing of civilians, the treatment of civilians, as if they are terrorists, not only deterioration of the humanitarian, reckless and despicable. Even wars have rules, and no one can attack children, women and elderly people and civilians, clerics and aid workers, and even tyrants and thieves and pirates have some sensitivity and adhere to certain principles of humanity. Israel has defied the whole world which has trampled the attack in which all human values and is supposed to punish it. Waray that all of Israel to defend what I did, it would be a partner in committed. It must be something to reassure Israel to continue its policies, which are open Dalma impede regional peace is achieved. May not be forwarded to the policy of the State lying as it does Israel, which is a minimum of modesty. We will not leave this matter and Senlahakh until the end, and even an international inquiry by. The issue is not terrorism or self-defense against terrorism, the issue is that Israel does not recognize the laws and rights. Case it is aimed at those living in Gaza. They are firing bombs on children's parks, and targeting United Nations offices, in addition, prevented the arrival of medicines and food for these people. Current Israeli government is a violent government, and I emphasize that the issue is not between Turkey and Israel, but between Israel and the world. Will not remain our relations with Israel as it was never As well as Israel can not cover the truth more, or mutations, and the Security Council to say enough is enough for Israel, and not merely issue a decision, but follow-up decisions until implementation. There are more than 100 resolutions of the Security Council ignored by Israel, did not implement any of them. Israel must, in its efforts to eliminate the peace process, to pay for it. I go to the Israeli people: always stood against anti-Semitism, has contributed more than once advocated the right of the Israeli people live in dignity. Now it's time that you should say that it is enough of your Government which threatens Astaqrarkm and your security. This government does not grasp in the Department of State that they harm the people before they offend anyone. And go to the Government of Israel: I have Adeeetm passengers on the ship opened fire on your army. I tell you that we are fed up and tired of your lies. Be honest. You are indeed a genocide and murder Tgedon altitude considerably. Israel can not be considered in the eyes of the international community without apology and held accountable for their crimes. Whatever happens, Israel will not be able to clean its hands of the blood that was tainted in the Mediterranean. We in Turkey, though he conducted all over the world back, if I shut the world view of Palestine, it will not turn our backs, and will not lose sight of Palestine and the Palestinian people and Gaza, and we will continue helping them. The ships will be able to one day of love and friendship to reach the shores of Gaza, and we will act according to the fitting for us and is consistent with our history, will not rest to Turkey before it reaches the minds of the issue to Joatimha ».
We do not recommend anyone to test the patience of Turkey, just as the value of friendship, the strongest hostility Tired of your lies. You are indeed Tgedon genocide.

And freedom of the red door ... In each hand covered with rings

◈ between the dark of night dark 
And waves of grief and burning spectra 
Massabiham people have sailed with them; 
It is not like any lights 
They do not block the dark laceration only 
It penetrates every dark hearts 
And light up the road to freedom, to walk when all of us .. 
Exhibits to which each of the pulse in his heart, dignity 
Both are freedom in his veins the blood stream! 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ reef stretched blood vigorously to break the siege 
Qatar on the country of the Muslims, Aziz, 
Carried their lives in their hands .. And drove off with hope! 

Leaving behind all far and near, mother and father and child .. and a friend 
The work is ongoing and because they believed that Muslims [Kaljsd if one 
He complained to a member to falter, the other body to ensure and fever] 

Risked their lives every precious, and because they believed that freedom 
Safety was the legal right to cyan, and modes. 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ that secured the right flower to embrace the sun 
It is the right bird to fly high in the space of freedom 
Dew the right to sleep on the leaves .. 

What was reaction of the so-called Zionists on their faith 
However, these beliefs are: terrorism! 
And deserved the death .. 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ and after what happened, 
We sat silently waiting for feedback .. 
And they were honorable replies like its predecessor, 
International silence shameful 
And denounce and condemn and condemn the Arab disgusting! 

◈ ◈ ◈ 

◈ fleet Freedom Red 
Those who sacrificed their lives to do something, and let the impact and the champion of God. 
It was our duty to stand with them to the letter and have the word .. 

Therefore, our construction of this campaign, 

And the following themes: 

There is nothing new, only condemn 
Freedom red "Marmara" 

TURKY .. Lead our ship 

Poem:: Champions of the fleet, Liberty 

Members of the fleet Besmela Freedom